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Pluck the strings of my web and
play a melody that will not ebb

Fun Fact
Scent Gathering
Due to not being able to trust her sight 100%, Widow
relies heavily on her sense of smell, and in doing so has found a
fascination in all different scents. Using moss, scraps of fur, or the
plant the scent may come from, she collects them. She keeps these
things in a small hollow in Gillia's territory that had been abandoned a long time ago. She often gifts scents to those she's close to that
remind her of them!
Fun Fact
The Spider Hollow
There's an abandoned hollow she found in Gillia
territory where she spends off time, this hollow is home to a
hand full of spiders, only one of which is poisonous, and is her namesake. She's careful to not disturb them, and often watches them spin their glistening webs, mesmerized by their intricate patterns.
This is also where she stores the scents she gathers.
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