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—Pngtree—spider spider web  cobweb_39407


Despite what most think, Widowweb is a kind and caring cat when you get to know her.


  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Appreciative
    - Having grown up, having little to rely on, she appreciates what she has and things people do for her a lot more.

  • Genuine
    - More often than not she speaks directly from the heart, well, when she does speak.


  • Paranoid
    - She needs to know that there's nothing/ no one behind her at all times. She can't trust it no matter how much she wants to.

  • Offputting
    - Because of her want to not offend others and quiet nature she comes off creepy or judgmental.

  • Aloof
    - Afraid of what others may think of her, she doesn't venture far from her social circle. (seen as distant) 


  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Empathetic
    - She feels for others deeply, even if they had wronged her..

  • Allocentric
    - When it comes to taking things for herself, she puts everyone else first which is mostly viewed as kind but takes a small tole on her as well.

  • Discreet
    - She mostly keeps to herself, trying not to get in others way and keeping the things she sees and hears a secret as to not bother anyone.

  • Determined
    - In this time of uncertainty, she needs to see things for her own eyes..

At first glance the long legged molly can seem distant and cold, not going out of her way to speak to others, always having to have the back of the patrol where she can see everyone, and going out of her way to avoid others at times. However once
you look further she's always going out of her way to do things for others,
often catching smaller prey so that the others in the patrol may be
praised for what they bring back, repairing nests for others
and allowing them to think another apprentice may
have done it, and the like. To those that know
her well she's caring and kind, always
there for them, knowing every-
thing they have done for
her, she could never

Fun Fact

Scent Gathering

  Due to not being able to trust her sight 100%, Widow 
   relies heavily on her sense of smell, and in doing so has found a 
    fascination in all different scents. Using moss, scraps of fur, or the
plant the scent may come from, she collects them. She keeps these
things in a small hollow in Gillia's territory that had been abandoned a long time ago. She often gifts scents to those she's close to that 
remind her of them!

Fun Fact

The Spider Hollow

There's an abandoned hollow she found in Gillia 
territory where she spends off time, this hollow is home to a
hand full of spiders, only one of which is poisonous, and is her namesake. She's careful to not disturb them, and often watches them spin their glistening webs, mesmerized by their intricate patterns.
This is also where she stores the scents she gathers.

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